jeremy scahill
Gaddafi Says Obama Is A Friend and Blessing To The Muslim World....I guess he showed him, egh?
I wonder how many laughs 3 dead dismembered innocent kids will getTuvok at the annual whorefest?
Then again does anyone even care?
Years ago most businesses were closed on Sundays. That included restaurants and gas stations and department stores. In fact, most states had laws requiring businesses and sporting events to be closed (blue laws).
It was recognized that Sunday was a day to go to worship,
and a large percentage of people did so.
But perhaps most pointedly, if you can't trust what a man says to a group of widows and children, then what words and promises of his can you trust?
So President Obama, am I IN? Will you be receiving my check?
Hell no.
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I guess EXTORTION is okay now too here in the
Most states define extortion as the gaining of property or money by almost any kind of force, or threat of 1) violence, 2) property damage, 3) harm to reputation, or 4) unfavorable government action. While usually viewed as a form of theft/larceny, extortion differs from robbery in that the threat in question does not pose an imminent physical danger to the victim.
I am just getting started on