
Friday, June 24, 2011


"Hi, I'm Barry O'bama, I'm going to get your votes with my magic bullshitting act, and then jail your ass once I get in! I'm a fucking liar!"

The Fourth Amendment is weaker than it was 50 years ago, and this should worry everyone. "Uncontrolled search and seizure is one of the first and most effective weapons in the arsenal of every arbitrary government," Justice Robert H. Jackson, the former chief United States prosecutor at the Nuremberg trials, wrote in 1949. "Among deprivations of rights, none is so effective in cowing a population, crushing the spirit of the individual and putting terror in every heart."

This bullshitting fucking phoney is worse than imagined....

Friday, June 17, 2011


“The ship was sailing. I wanted to be at the wheel when that happens,” said John Rother, AARP’s long-time policy chief and a prime mover behind its change of heart…

I’m Diane Lim Rogers, I am a “younger baby boomer” (born in 1962)–and I am (an) “EconomistMom.” (I know many other EconomistMoms.)
Oh yeah, and my husband John, is an economist at the Federal Reserve Board…..nuff said.

fuck it

Thursday, June 16, 2011


"...the super smart stand up comic vulcan bracket picking rockstar invincible
zombie killing seal action figure,
told everyone fill up on the food offerings that included hot dogs, hamburgers, fried chicken and funnel cake."

No Wieners though.....
"Pelosi put out a statement shortly after Rep. Weiner's announcement saying "Congressman Weiner exercised poor judgment in his actions and poor judgment in his reaction to the revelations. Today, he made the right judgment in resigning."

Its official, now they only have to sink Bernie Sanders and The entire political class will be
one.....let the kneecapping commence...I really, really hate the democratic party. Really bad.
Throwing a party now that Weiners out of the wayyyyyy......


"Hey Grandma, thanks for the fuckin teeth! But you'll have to suck on
bad fruit from
the food bank!!!!!"

According to news accounts of negotiations with Congressional leaders being led by Vice President Joe Biden, cutting Medicaid healthcare benefits is considered more politically feasible than going after Social Security or Medicare....

Joe Biden - Vice President of the USA - Born: 1942 USA, Pennsylvania - Married - Children: 3

  • Annual: USD 296,680.00
  • Monthly: USD 24,723.00
  • Weekly: USD 5,933.00 (YOU PAY IT)
  • Daily: USD 1,186.00
  • Whitehouse blog April 18th, 2011: The Vice President and his wife reported an adjusted gross income of $379,178 on their 2010 tax return. Jill Biden teaches at the school, which paid her $82,488 last year, according to the tax return, says Bloomberg.
    Marketwatch March 2011: Annual salary $227,300.
    USGovinfo:' The salary of the vice president is currently (for 2009) $227,300.'
    WSJBlog April 15th, 2010: Vice President Joe Biden and Second Lady Jill Biden earned $333,182, according to their tax return.


    Monday, June 13, 2011


    "When you get to the point where, because of various personal distractions, you can't serve as effectively as you need to, at the time when people are worrying about jobs, and their mortgages, and paying the bills, then you should
    probably step back," Harvey Dent said.

    for fucking shame.....

    Friday, June 10, 2011


    "Something about the fact that I made some contribution to either my country, or those who were less well off. I think back to what Camus wrote about the fact that perhaps this world is a world in which children suffer, but we can lessen the number of suffering children, and if you do not do this, then who will do this?
    I'd like to feel that I'd done something to lessen that suffering...."


    rarely (if ever) see the
    super smart stand up comic vulcan bracket picking rockstar invincible zombie killing seal action figure doing this...


    "I got mine...and I'm taking yours too..."

    There are no 'tough guys' in Livingston. This asshole is no tough guy, hes a little pussy fuck who whored himself off to the highest bidder.....pussy fuck never even been in a fuckin fist fight.
    he has been in Star Wars though....

    "The worst scenario is something catastrophic happens to me, I could lose everything," she said. "A large hospital bill, or a large doctor's or surgical bill, I could be out in the street. I could be homeless."
    The most controversial part of New Jersey's plan would block access to Medicaid for an estimated 23,000 people next year — and it would do that basically by
    disqualifying any adult who makes
    more than $6,000 a year....

    "..and yet it goes on, and on, and this country of ours...."
    Too often we excuse those who are willing to build their own lives from the shattered dreams of other human beings.Too often we excuse those who are willing to build their own lives from the shattered dreams of other human beings.Too often we excuse those who are willing to build their own lives from the shattered dreams of other human beings.Too often we excuse those who are willing to build their own lives from the shattered dreams of other human beings.Too often we excuse those who are willing to build their own lives from the shattered dreams of other human beings.Too often we excuse those who are willing to build their own lives from the shattered dreams of other human beings.Too often we excuse those who are willing to build their own lives from the shattered dreams of other human beings.Too often we excuse those who are willing to build their own lives from the shattered dreams of other human beings.


    "Too often we excuse those who are willing to build their own lives on the shattered dreams of other human beings" - RFK


    *will soon be counted as both categories one and two.....

    “As [the radiation] goes up the food chain, it accumulates. By the time it reaches people who consume this food, the levels are higher than they originally were when they entered the environment.”

    but who cares about stupid shit like the food chain, i wanna read Sarah Palins emails and Wieners Wieners Wiener or Lady Fucknoodles 'Baby Bump'....or better yet think about
    how cool our ;
    super smart stand up comic vulcan bracket picking rockstar invincible zombie killing seal action figure president is.
    we are all soooooooooooooooooo fucked......


    look at this people magazine, msnbc, apple sales pitch, dont you wish you were a powerwall shitwipe pseudo celebrity politic shit pit of what passes for news today......
    holy fuck waddle. every few images they shove lord i-hole or facefuck boy in your face pushing their next tickle me elmo bullshit very very very very very

    Tuesday, June 7, 2011


    This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

    Sunday, June 5, 2011


    "He who warned the, the British that they weren't gonna be taking away our arms, uh, by ringing those bells and, um, by making sure that as he's riding his horse through town to send those warning shots and bells that, uh, we were gonna be secure and we were gonna be free, and we were gonna be armed," the former Alaska governor said.
    "..he warned the Americans that the British were coming, the British were coming, and they were going to try to take our arms away and we gotta make sure that we were protecting ourselves and shoring up all our ammunitions and our firearms so that they couldn’t take them, but remember that the British had already been there.”
    "...If I were in Congress, though, I would be a ‘no’ vote to raising that debt ceiling.”


    Saturday, June 4, 2011


    "I wanna be a whore too!!!!"
    David Obey

    Tom O’Donnell, managing partner of Gephardt Government Affairs, said in an email to POLITICO. “And over time, he’s worked with different political configurations in the House, Senate and the White House. We are very fortunate to have him on board.”
    have him on board
    have him on board
    have him on board
    have him on board
    have him on board
    have him on board
    have him on board
    have him on board...


    "....neither should they be called to account for practicing the dark art of politics"
    (even if it includes murder and treason.)

    "DICK" Cohen

    Its because of weak, servile, apologetic cowering money grubbing sissy fucks like this fucker that the United States is so fucked up.

    "I don’t even know why I think I am in Xanadu, except that the name just came to me. It seems to make sense, which is more than I can say for anything else. I used to understand everything. I was even paid to explain things. Now I understand nothing. I live in a strange place and understand just a piece of what’s going on. At the moment, I am hungry and going across the plaza to that cute outdoor café. I think I’ll have a Kardashian."

    What a fucking Douche Bag of a man. What a cowardly fuck.

    Wednesday, June 1, 2011


    After Bush turned down Obama's invitation, he flew to New York on May 9 to give a talk with Clinton to the wealth-management arm of UBS.
    The giant Swiss bank in 2009 cut a deal with the Justice Department to pay $780 million to settle a probe into tax evasion by thousands of its clients.

    (Clinton also nixed a White House invitation to appear at ground zero, citing scheduling conflicts.)

    ...Obama has an estimated net worth of $5 million, far below predecessors George W. Bush ($20 million), Bill Clinton ($38 million) and George H.W. Bush ($23 million).

    Bush spoke in Florida at a Professional Golfers' Association event that was underwritten by the accounting giant Pricewaterhouse Coopers, the firm that several years ago paid $225 million to settle class-action suits related to its work for Tyco International.

    the former oilman has talked to at least two energy conferences in Texas. One was sponsored by Hart Energy, an industry consulting firm, and the other by Cambridge Energy Research Associates, where he teamed up with Clinton again.

    Can you possibly Imagine in any fucking galaxy or dimensional space in any realm of existence whatever, paying this mindless sive of a half witted fuck up talk about ANYTHING AT ALL let alone
    $15 fucking million? I am Afraid, Things have devolved so fast and far now, there is no return from the chasm....

    This nation no longer produces leaders who serve the public trust, only greedy little WhOrEs that serve themselves.


    "They ignore that Social Security is fiscally responsible. By law, it cannot spend money that it doesn’t have. And the Social Security Trust Fund now has a $2.5 trillion surplus that can help pay out benefits for years to come.

    Without any change, Social Security could cover three-quarters of benefits until 2083 — when people born today will be 73...."

    funny how guys like this keep getting kneecapped.

    Tuvok and Bubba sanctioned!