
Friday, January 21, 2011


cheese dick;
A military term used by rank and file troops. Started in use during the Vietnam era and continued till the mid-late 90's.
The term describes a person who at all cost to his fellow troops attempts to climb the rank ladder. A kiss ass' kiss ass. A brown nose that will sellout his brothers and throw anyone under the bus.
Lieberman -- who, needless to say, never served in the military nor have any of his children -- devoted his entire career to attempting to send other Americans' children to fight war after war after war. In sum, as The Philadelphia Inquirer's Will Bunch put it when examining the muddled history of Lieberman's opposition to the war in Vietnam:
"...the only war he ever opposed was the only war he might actually have had to fight in."
This "Democratic hero" has spent decades posing serious threats to basic liberties, including free speech. It was Lieberman who, just a few weeks ago, publicly threatened and bullied all companies to terminate their relationship with WikiLeaks despite its not even being charged with, let alone convicted of, any crime.

Lieberman in action on the floor....

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